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Reading Journal III: Sex at Dawn

December 9, 2021


One of the books I’ve read recently is “Sex at Dawn”, by Christopher Ryan and Cacilda Jetha, published in 2010.

The book is a fresh perspective on the evolution of humans’ mating systems, and the authors argue that human beings evolved in groups of hunter-gatherers in which sexual interaction was a resource shared within the group, just like food, childcare and group defense.

Reading “Sex at Dawn”, I was interested in the exploration of the idea of monogamy and the question of ‘is it natural or not?’; the authors say that a large part of the conclusions of evolutionary psychology researchers emerged through a process in which the researchers were projecting modern beliefs and assumptions about hunter-gatherer societies.

Non-monogamy and the way this style of relating can change and redefine the lives of women is one of the topics of the book we are exploring in a series of 15 new videos about feminism, within our new project, EGALIS.

xoxo Adriana


Proiectul „EGALIS: Egalitate de gen prin schimbare socială și educație”, derulat de Centrul Parteneriat pentru Egalitate, în parteneriat cu Asociația Front, Societatea Cultural Științifică de Analize Feministe AnA (AnA), Asociația Centrul de Acțiune pentru Egalitate și Drepturile Omului (ACTEDO), Asociația PLURAL și Asociația SEXUL vs BARZA, cu sprijinul financiar Active Citizens Fund România, program finanțat de Islanda, Liechtenstein și Norvegia prin Granturile SEE 2014-2021.

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