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Handbook in English for Secondary School Teachers: Teaching and Integrating Gender Equality in the Classroom

September 1, 2023

The handbook was created by a team of experts and researchers made up of Alexandra Columban, Irina Ilisei, Dana Marțiş, Laura Grünberg, Georgiana Lincan and Andreea Voina, within the EGALIS project: gender equality through social change and education and has been translated in English in 2023 through the efforts of ACTEDO Association.

The handbook supports teachers in understanding the impact they have in the formation of an inclusive society, as well as providing concrete suggestions for integrating gender equality in the classroom. The handbook is primarily addressed to secondary education teaching staff, especially from middle school and high school, regardless of their specialization. At the same time, the handbook is a useful tool in the continuous training of teaching staff, therefore also addressing teacher training topics.

The handbook contains:

  • theoretical foundations regarding gender equality
  • analysis of middle school and high school curricula that lend themselves to the introduction of elements of gender equality
  • concrete suggestions and exercises for integrating the teaching of gender equality in different subjects
  • (self) assessment questionnaires for teachers
  • recommendations for a gender-sensitive and intersectional approach to working with students
  • activity sheets, illustrated exercises to address gender equality in the classroom
  • video recommendations and links to additional resources that teachers can use in the classroom to deepen the concepts discussed and learned.

Before publication, the textbook was tested by specialists and practitioners in secondary education.

The handbook can be downloaded from ACTEDO website.

Copyright (c) Coaliția pentru Egalitate de Gen