I reread “Forschungsmethoden” (which means ‘research methods’), by Dr. Cornelius Remschmidt (2015).
„Forschungsmethoden” a fost un modul de studiu despre metode de cercetare științifică pe care l-am urmat în cadrul masterului de Sănătate Public de la Berlin School of Public Health, Charité Universitätmedizin.
Because over time, I received, at SEXUL vs BARZA, many requests for support from students of public health, sociology, social work, political sciences, and psychology, in need of aid while writing their bachelor's and master's studies, it feels important to talk about study designs. Based on this popular demand, but also my experience în public health, I made research, including feminist research, one of the 15 topics I cover in as many videos about feminism I’m working on as a part of the EGALIS project.
The "EGALIS: Gender equality through social change and education" project, developed by the Partnership for Equality Center, in partnership with the Front Association, AnA - the Scientific Society for Feminist Analysis, ACTEDO - the Action Center for Equality and Rights Association Man, PLURAL Association and SEX vs The STORK Association, with financial support from Active Citizens Fund Romania, programme funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Grants Grants 2014 -2021.
Working together for an inclusive Europe!